CBD Oil for Pets

DnaTestingBuyersGuide Editorial Team

DnaTestingBuyersGuide Editorial Team

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The use of this often misunderstood and highly controversial plant product is widely debated. Recent studies suggest that the pros of using CBD oil for dogs definitely and undoubtedly outweigh the cons. However, many pet parents are still reluctant about giving their pets CBD oil – mainly due to the widespread yet incorrect myth that treating pets with CBD oil will make them high. 

This article will debunk some popular myths about CBD oil use in pets and explain its benefits, considerations, and usage instructions.

With the potential to spark up serious discussions among scientific circles and the pet parent community, the use of CBD oil for pets is definitely one of the hottest topics of modern time.   

What is CBD? 

Short for Cannabidiol, CBD is one of the over 100 natural compounds found in the Cannabis sativa plant, from which hemp and cannabis come from. Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the two most important active compounds.

CBD vs. THC – the WHATs and the WHYs  

Although derived from the same plant, these two compounds have different properties. CBD is a non-psychoactive compound which when used in specific doses, has therapeutic effects. THC is a psychoactive compound which when used, gives a temporary feeling of joy, euphoria, and relaxation, or in slang terms – makes you feel “high”. 

Cannabis contains between 10% and 15% THC, while hemp contains less than 0.3% THC. Because of the low THC concentrations, hemp does not have psychoactive properties. Low in THC and rich in CBD, hemp is the primary source for most CBD products. 

Put bluntly, THC is the psychoactive ingredient an alternative herbal treatment does not need, and CBD is the beneficial ingredient the treatment’s efficacy is based on. Hemp meets those criteria perfectly. Therefore, CBD oils designed for both humans and pets come from hemp and not from cannabis. 

How does CBD affect pets? 

Based on current knowledge, CBD works by interacting or, better said, binding with the endocannabinoid receptors. The endocannabinoid receptors are part of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) responsible for many vital body functions.  

The endocannabinoid system – components and roles 

The ECS is a complex system made up of only three components:

  • Endocannabinoids – naturally occurring chemical compounds 
  • Cannabinoid receptors – responsible for binding with the endocannabinoids. Pets have a higher number of receptors than humans. Namely, they have five different types of cannabinoid receptors, but the most important ones include:
  • CB-1– located primarily in the brain and central nervous system, liver, lungs, muscles, vascular system, and kidneys and responsible for cognitive functions, emotional processing and appetite regulation. 
  • CB-2 – located in the immune cells, spleen, bones, skin and responsible for influencing symptoms like pain and inflammation.  
  • Enzymes – responsible for breaking down the endocannabinoids and cannabinoids. 

The ECS is responsible for keeping the body in balance and maintaining a state of health. It influences, aids, and promotes various physical, physiological, and cognitive functions, including pain, appetite, thermoregulation, inflammation, energy, metabolism, mood, stress response, muscle control, sensation, sleep, memory, immunity, and motivation. 

The benefits of using CBD oil for pets

CBD alleviates anxiety 

Pets suffer from two types of anxiety – behavioral and situational. Behavioral anxiety is deep-rooted and associated with past traumatic events. It results in unwanted behaviors such as separation anxiety, hyperactivity, aggression, and restlessness. Situational anxiety develops momentarily and is related to unusual situations such as fireworks, thunderstorms, traveling, and having guests over. 

CBD helps alleviate both types of anxiety by promoting the calming hormone serotonin’s secretion and gradually achieving normal anxiety levels.

CBD helps soothe joint aches 

Joint issues are among the most common orthopedic conditions in pets. From congenital hip or elbow dysplasia to age-related arthritis, almost every pet experiences some form of a joint problem at a certain point in its life. If left untreated, joint issues cause pain and impair mobility. 

CBD soothes joint aches by acting on several different levels. It controls the inflammation, suppresses the pain response during joint movement, and decreases the swelling associated with inflamed joints. Overall, it leads to improved limb posture and pain-free mobility.

CBD controls skin allergies 

Just like in humans, skin allergies are becoming increasingly frequent among pets. It is estimated that in dogs, there are over 150 different skin conditions triggered by allergic reactions – from food allergies and human dander allergies to pollen, molds, and grasses. 

CBD helps with skin allergies by encouraging the immune system to efficiently fight off triggers that may result in excessive scratching and sneezing. It also promotes skin cell growth, thus forming a more substantial barrier against allergens.

CBD manages seizures

Seizures and epilepsy episodes are a common problem among pets, especially dogs. Although there are several conventional anti-epilepsy treatments, not all dogs respond to them. 

Many studies prove the beneficial effect of CBD oil for managing epilepsy in dogs. CBD reduces both the frequency and the intensity of the seizures. What is more, it is efficient in dogs that do not respond to conventional treatments.  

Other benefits of CBD for pets

There are several other potential benefits of CBD for pets, including

  • CBD has anti-cancer properties – studies suggest CBD prevents the tumor cells from growing, or if already present, it kills them
  • CBD increases the appetite and decreases nausea – this property is fundamental in patients with cancer and pets using drugs with nausea listed as a side-effect 
  • CBD relieves chronic pain – including musculoskeletal pain, neuropathic pain, and pain caused by acute pancreatitis episodes 
  • CBD is a powerful antioxidant – its antioxidant properties are more potent than the properties of vitamins C and E. Therefore, it protects the brain from damaging free radicals and potential toxins. 
  • CBD managed inflammatory bowel disease – it reduces inflammation and promotes healthy gut function and motility. 
  • CBD keeps the heart, liver and pancreas healthy through several protective mechanisms. 
  • CBD promotes cell growth and renewal – studies suggest it helps manage neurologic degenerative conditions by promoting neurons’ regeneration and preventing their premature death. 
  • CBD promotes faster post-operative recovery – it reduced the pain, swellings, and stiffness associated with the surgical procedure, thus enabling faster and smoother recovery. 
  • CBD battles depression – anecdotal reports suggest CBD helps overcome depression and eliminates the behavioral issues linked with depression. 

Side-effects and risks of CBD oil for pets

There is not much research regarding the side-effects and risks of using CBD oil for pets. However, as with any other medicine or supplement, there is always a risk of adverse reactions. 

Based on the CBD’s side-effects in humans, it can be assumed that pets can possibly experience one of these side-effects:

  • Dry mouth – CBD is linked with decreased saliva production. Pets will manifest this side-effect through increased thirst and more frequent water consumption. 
  • Drowsiness – if used in doses higher than the recommended CBD can be too calming and cause drowsiness. 
  • Low blood pressure – high CBD doses are associated with temporary blood pressure drops that usually manifest with brief light-headedness. 

CBD oil for pets – dose and frequency 

When it comes to dose and frequency there is no straightforward answer. CBD oil is used for many reasons and in a variety of pet species. Therefore, the right dose and administration frequency must be discussed with a vet. 

The vet will determine the dose and frequency based on several factors, including the type of pet, pet’s size and age, overall health and co-existing health conditions. Some pets need daily administrations, while others benefit from occasional uses. The dose and frequency are also dependent on the underlying cause that initiated the CBD oil use. 

Once again, even if the CBD bottle comes with easy-to-follow instructions, never use the product without your trusted vet’s approval and guidance. 

How long until the CBD oil’s effects kick in? And how long do they last?

Every pet is different. How long will it take for the CBD oil’s effects to kick in depends on the type of pet, type of CBD product, and the pet’s digestion processes. Generally speaking, in most cases, the effects should kick in about 20 to 60 minutes. 

The factors influencing the effects’ onset influence their duration as well. The effects’ duration is also influenced by the dose, the consumed food, the severity of the symptoms, and the frequency of use. On average, the CBD’s effects last for four to eight hours.

CBD oil for pets – choosing the best product 

Do not settle for anything less than a top-quality CBD oil. Generally speaking, when shopping for CBD oil, pay attention to the following features:

  • The source’s quality – does it come from organically grown plants or not. If not organically sourced, make sure there are no pesticides, fungicides, or harmful solvents. 
  • The type of CBD oil – basically, there are three types of CBD oils on the market: isolate, full-spectrum and broad-spectrum. The isolate is pure CBD and lacks other plant materials such as terpenes and flavonoids. The full-spectrum and broad-spectrum varieties contain cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. These plant materials are essential because they boost the cannabinoids’ effects. All in all, CBD oils labeled as full or broad-spectrum are more potent and have more benefits than oils labeled as isolate. 
  • Amount of CBD in the product – based on the manufacturer, different CBD oil products have different CBD concentrations. 
  • Ensure the word CBD is mentioned on the bottle and double-check what the declaration states about THC content – CBDs for pets should be THC-free.  
  • Flavor – full and broad-spectrum CBD oils have a more pungent taste and smell than the isolate form. To cover those features and make the product more appealing for pets, manufacturers often add flavors like beef, chicken, or peanuts.

Finally, it should be mentioned that CBD comes in different forms of products – from treats to capsules. However, the oil or tincture forms are recommended because they are easier to use and dose.  

Key notes and take away messages 

  • CBD oil is safe for pets – this is not just  popular belief, it is proven by research 
  • CBD oil formulated for pets is not intoxicating and cannot get them “high” 
  • Sleepiness is a potential side-effect 
  • Cannabis is not same as hemp – cannabis is illegal and unsafe for pets, hemp and hemp oil are legal and beneficial 
  • Hemp oil is not same as CBD oil – they are both safe and legal but CBD oil has more beneficial properties
  • Choose “full spectrum” and “broad spectrum” CBD oils instead of CBD isolates. They are stronger and more frequently recommended by vets.  


Hopefully, there will be more extensive research supporting the CBD oil’s benefits for pets, and hopefully, in the future, pet parents will be less reluctant to use this still widely misunderstood yet highly beneficial herbal medicine. 

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